Snoring and Sleep Apnoea
Snoring and sleep related breathing disorders are due to the collapsible nature of the airways. With snoring there is no full obstruction, just a vibration of tissues. Sometimes this doesn't affect the snorer as much as those in close proximity when they are affected.
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness can result from poor sleep quality and insufficient oxygen entering the body and can cause inability to concentrate, poor memory and a reduction in performance. It can even result in falling asleep unexpectedly.
Often sufferers can also add to this obstructive sleep apnoea - a more sever collapsing of your airways, multiple times during sleeping. These can all lead to reduced oxygen intakes, extreme tiredness and headaches.
Truss Dental can help with solutions to snoring and apnoea. Get in touch to see what we have to offer and how we can help change your life for the better.